Monday, April 8, 2013

A Second Honeymoon

I'm fairly well exhausted, so this blog won't have my typical long-winded flair, but I wanted my girls to see what an awesome time daddy and I have been having this week (despite the fact that I may or may not have been on my death bed) :)  To set the stage for this part of the grand story, I should start by saying that 6 months ago Shannon and I received the news that we would have to travel to France TOGETHER for WORK! After getting over the initial shock and panic over what to do with our CHILDREN, we decided it would be the perfect opportunity for a second honeymoon.  So now the time has arrived.  We are in Paris, and Grandma-ma (and at times Grandma Gup) is watching the children.

The week began with two days in Paris at the Concorde La Fayette in the Palais de Congress with 3100 of our fellow Michelin employees from 70 (yes I said SEVENTY) different countries.  It was an awesome experience filled with some very inspiring messages from the top leaders of the company.  I will go into more detail later, but I can say that I left the forum in tears and firmly believing that I can SAVE THE WORLD (and I mean literally and I don't mean by making tires) while working for a tire company! Here's to hoping that is all possible!

During the forum, I had the wonderful opportunity to catch up with some of my old friends from stage in 2011 as well as various coworkers from all over the world and to meet some NEW coworkers from places far outside of my normal sphere of exchange (like Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates).  We also did a lot of exploring the city at night.

See Shannon and I at the Arc de Triomphe

 The view of our hotel from the Eiffel tower (yes I walked all that way THREE TIMES)

The Eiffel Tower as seen from the street on approach.

The Arc de Triomphe as seen from the top of the Eiffel tower (there are like 570 steps to get just to the second level of the Eiffel tower and we walked THEM all)

Shannon and I at the top of the Eiffel Tower!

Dinner at an AWESOME morrocan restaurant with Shannon's boss Brad and a coworker Britton.

The view of the Eiffel Tower from our hotel room on the 24th floor of the concorde La Fayette (yes we walked there THREE times)

Our AWESOME room in the Villa Mazarine at the other end of the Champs Elysees for the remainder of the week

Paris Marathon on Sunday (some of our coworkers ran in it)

Can you believe that guy ran a marathon with an Eiffel Tower on his head????

Sacree Coeur

view of the city from sacree coeur

Me and Mona :)

Some very intricate frogs made circa 2000 BC!

 Pyramid inverse

me being silly

 Shannon and I in front of the louvre

Bridge of profress your love by attaching a lock and throwing the key into the river Seine

Notre Dame Cathedral

Our new favorite restaurant Don Giovani

Thats all for now

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